HS&E Test HS&E Test - Hartlepool £55.00 Select Test Type Operatives HS&E Test Specialist - Supervisor (SUP) HS&E Test Specialist - Demolition (DEM) HS&E Test Specialist - Plumbing (JIB) (PLUB) HS&E Test Specialist - Highways Works (HIW) HS&E Test Specialist - Work at Height (WAH) HS&E Test Specialist - Lift and Escalators (LAEE) HS&E Test Specialist - Tunneling (TUNN) HS&E Test Specialist - HVACR - heating and plumbing services (HAPS) HS&E Test Specialist - HVACR - pipefitting and welding (PFW) HS&E Test Specialist - HVACR - ductwork (DUCT) HS&E Test Specialist - HVACR - refrigeration and air conditioning (RAAC) HS&E Test Specialist - HVACE - services and facilities maintenance (SAF) HS&E Test Managers and Professionals - construction (design and management) regulations Managers and Professionals - Demolition Managers and Professionals - Highway Works Add To Cart